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Display 2.8 Methods of the Scanner Class (part 1 of 2)
The Scanner class can be used to obtain input from files as well as from the keyboard. However, here
we are assuming it is being used only for input from the keyboard.
To set things up for keyboard input, you need the following at the beginning of the file with the key-
board input code:
import java.util.Scanner;
You also need the following before the first keyboard input statement:
Scanner Scannner_Object_Name = new Scanner(;
The Scannner_Object_Name can then be used with the following methods to read and return various
types of data typed on the keyboard.
Values to be read should be separated by whitespace characters, such as blanks and/or new lines.
When reading values, these whitespace characters are skipped. (It is possible to change the separa-
tors from whitespace to something else, but whitespace is the default and is what we will use.)
Scannner_Object_Name .nextInt()
Returns the next value of type int that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .nextLong()
Returns the next value of type long that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .nextByte()
Returns the next value of type byte that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .nextShort()
Returns the next value of type short that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .nextDouble()
Returns the next value of type double that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .nextFloat()
Returns the next value of type float that is typed on the keyboard.
Scannner_Object_Name .next()
Returns the String value consisting of the next keyboard characters up to, but not including, the first
delimiter character. The default delimiters are whitespace characters.
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