Java Reference
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Self-Test Exercises
4. Would it make any difference if we changed the Node inner class in Display 15.7
from a private inner class to a public inner class?
5. Keeping the inner class Node in Display 15.7 as private , what difference would it
make if any of the instance variables or methods in the class Node had its access
modifiers changed from private to public or package access?
6. Why does the definition of the inner class Node in Display 15.7 not have the
accessor and mutator methods getLink , setLink , or other get and set methods
for the link fields similar to those in the class definition of Node1 in Display 15.2?
7. Would it be legal to add the following method to the class LinkedList2 in
Display 15.7?
public Node startNode( )
return head;
8. Rewrite the definition of the class LinkedList2 in Display 15.7 so that it has data
of a type named Entry , which is a public inner class. Objects of type Entry have
two instance variables defined as follows:
private String item;
private int count;
This rewritten version of LinkedList2 will be equivalent to LinkedList1 in that it
has the same methods doing the same things and it will hold equivalent data in its
EXAMPLE: A Generic Linked List
Display 15.8 shows a generic linked list with a type parameter T for the type of data
stored in a node. This generic linked list has the same methods, coded in basically the
same way, as our previous linked list (Display 15.7), but we have used a type parameter
for the type of data in the nodes.
Display 15.10 contains a demonstration program for our generic linked list. The
demonstration program uses the class Entry , defined in Display 15.9, as the type
plugged in for the type parameter T . Note that if you want multiple pieces of data in
each node, you simply use a class type that has multiple instance variables and plug in
this class for the type parameter T .
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