Java Reference
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Self-Test Exercises (continued)
27. Consider the following class definition:
public class Outs
private int outerInt = 100;
public class Ins
private int innerInt = 25;
public void specialMethod()
Write an invocation of the method specialMethod with an object of the class
Ins . Part of this exercise is to create the object of the class Ins . This should be
code that you could use in some class you define.
Nesting Inner Classes
It is legal to nest inner classes within inner classes. The rules are the same as what we
have already discussed except that names can get longer. For example, if A has a public
inner class B , and B has a public inner class C , then the following is valid code:
A aObject = new A();
A.B bObject =
aObject. new B();
A.B.C cObject =
bObject. new C();
Inner Classes and Inheritance
Suppose OuterClass has an inner class named InnerClass . If you derive Derived-
Class from OuterClass , then DerivedClass automatically has InnerClass as an inner
class just as if it were defined within DerivedClass .
Just as with any other kind of class in Java, you can make an inner class a derived
class of some other class. You can also make the outer class a derived class of a different
(or the same) base class.
It is not possible to override the definition of an inner class when you define a
derived class of the outer class.
It is also possible to use an inner class as a base class to derive classes, but we will
not go into those details in this topic; there are some subtleties to worry about.
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