Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Self-Test Exercises (continued)
14. Modify the following class definition so it correctly implements the Cloneable
interface (all the new instance variables are shown):
public class PricedItem extends StockItem
private double price;
15. Modify the following class definition so it correctly implements the Cloneable
interface (all the instance variables are shown):
public class Record
private StockItem item1;
private StockItem item2;
private String description;
16. Modify the following class definition so it correctly implements the Cloneable
interface (all the new instance variables are shown):
public class BigRecord extends Record
private StockItem item3;
17. Modify the definition of the class Date (Display 4.13) so it implements
the Cloneable interface. Be sure to define the method clone in the style of
Display 13.7.
18. Modify the definition of the class Employee (Display 7.2) so it implements
the Cloneable interface. Be sure to define the method clone in the style of
Display 13.8.
19. Modify the definition of the class HourlyEmployee (Display 7.3) so it imple-
ments the Cloneable interface. Be sure to define the method clone in the style of
Display 13.8.
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