Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter Summary
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical representation language
for object-oriented software design.
Patterns are design principles that apply across a variety of software applications.
The patterns discussed in this chapter are the Container-Iterator, Adaptor, Model-
View-Controller, and Divide-and-Conquer Sorting patterns.
UML is one formalism that can and is used to express patterns.
Answers to Self-Test Exercises
There are many correct answers. Below is one:
radius: double
centerX: double
centerY: double
+ resize( double newRadius): void
+ move( double newX, double newY): void
# erase(): void
The method sameName is not listed in the class diagram for Student . So, you follow
the arrow to the class diagram for Person . The method sameName with a single
parameter of type Person is in the class diagram for Person . Since you know a
Student is a Person , you know that this definition works for the method sameName
with a single parameter of type Student . So, the definition used for the method
sameName is in the class definition of Person .
You start at the class diagram for Student . The method setStudentNumber with
a single parameter of type int is in the class diagram for Student , so you need
look no further. The definition used for the method setStudentNumber is in the
class definition of Student .
The code for this is also on the CD that comes with this topic. This code
is in the file . A demonstration program is in the file .
extra code
on CD
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