Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Display 10.17
Using EOFException (part 2 of 2)
Sample Dialogue
Reading numbers in numbers.dat
No more numbers in the file.
Assumes the program in
Display 10.13 was run to
create the file numbers.dat .
We will discuss interfaces in general in Chapter 13. However, the Serializable
interface is particularly easy to use and requires no knowledge of interfaces. All you
need to do to make a class implement the Serializable interface is add the two words
implements Serializable to the heading of the class definition, as in the following
public class Person implements Serializable
The Serializable interface is in the same package that contains all the I/O
classes we have discussed in this chapter. For example, in Display 10.18 we define a toy
class named SomeClass that implements the Serializable interface. We will explain the
effect of the Serializable interface a bit later in this chapter, but first let's see how you
do binary file I/O with a serializable class such as this class SomeClass in Display 10.18.
Display 10.19 illustrates how class objects can be written to and read from a binary
file. To write an object of a class such as SomeClass to a binary file, you simply use the
method writeObject of the class ObjectOutputStream . You use writeObject in the
same way that you use the other methods of the class ObjectOutputStream , such as
writeInt , but you use an object as the argument.
If an object is written to a file with writeObject , then it can be read back out of the
file with readObject of the stream class ObjectInputStream , as also illustrated in Dis-
play 10.19. The method readObject returns its value as an object of type Object . If
you want to use the values retuned by readObject as an object of a class like Some-
Class , you must do a type cast, as shown in Display 10.19.
The Serializable Interface
A class that implements the Serializable interface is said to be a serializable class. To
use objects of a class with writeObject and readObject , that class must be serializable.
But to make the class serializable, we change nothing in the class. All we do is add the
phrase implements Serializable . This phrase tells the run-time system that it is OK
to treat objects of the class in a particular way when doing file I/O. If a class is serializ-
able, Java assigns a serial number to each object of the class that it writes to a stream of
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