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Display 10.12 Some Methods in the Class File (part 1 of 2)
File is in the package.
public File(String File_Name )
Constructor. File_Name can be either a full or a relative path name (which includes the case of a sim-
ple file name). File_Name is referred to as the abstract path name .
public boolean exists()
Tests whether there is a file with the abstract path name.
public boolean canRead()
Tests whether the program can read from the file. Returns true if the file named by the abstract
path name exists and is readable by the program; otherwise returns false .
public boolean setReadOnly()
Sets the file represented by the abstract path name to be read only. Returns true if successful; oth-
erwise returns false .
public boolean canWrite()
Tests whether the program can write to the file. Returns true if the file named by the abstract path
name exists and is writable by the program; otherwise returns false .
public boolean delete()
Tries to delete the file or directory named by the abstract path name. A directory must be empty to
be removed. Returns true if it was able to delete the file or directory. Returns false if it was unable
to delete the file or directory.
public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException
Creates a new empty file named by the abstract path name, provided that a file of that name does
not already exist. Returns true if successful, and returns false otherwise.
public String getName()
Returns the last name in the abstract path name (that is, the simple file name). Returns the empty
string if the abstract path name is the empty string.
public String getPath()
Returns the abstract path name as a String value.
public boolean renameTo(File New_Name )
Renames the file represented by the abstract path name to New_Name . Returns true if successful;
otherwise returns false . New_Name can be a relative or absolute path name. This may require mov-
ing the file. Whether or not the file can be moved is system dependent.
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