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Display 10.9 Checking for the End of a Text File with BufferedReader (part 2 of 2)
33 System.out.println("Problem opening files.");
34 }
35 catch (IOException e)
36 {
37 System.out.println("Error reading from original.txt.");
38 }
39 }
40 }
F ILE original.txt
Little Miss Muffet
sat on a tuffet
eating her curves away.
Along came a spider
who sat down beside her
and said "Will you marry me?"
F ILE numbered.txt (after the program is run)
1 Little Miss Muffet
2 sat on a tuffet
3 eating her curves away.
4 Along came a spider
5 who sat down beside her
6 and said "Will you marry me?"
If your version of numbered.txt has
numbered blank lines after 6 , that means
you had blank lines at the end of
original.txt .
Self-Test Exercises
17. Does the class BufferedReader have a method to read an int value from a text file?
18. What happens when the method readLine in the class BufferedReader
attempts to read beyond the end of a file? How can you use this to test for the
end of a file?
19. What is the type of the value returned by the method read in the class Buffered-
Reader ?
20. What happens when the method read in the class BufferedReader attempts to
read beyond the end of a file? How can you use this to test for the end of a file?
21. Does the program in Display 10.9 work correctly if original.txt is an empty file?
Path Names
When giving a file name as an argument to a constructor for opening a file in any of
the ways we have discussed, you may use a simple file name, in which case it is
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