Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When dealing with file I/O, there are many situations in which your code might throw an
exception of some class, such as FileNotFoundException . Many of these various excep-
tion classes are descended classes of the class IOException . The class IOException is the
root class for various exception classes having to do with input and output.
A FileNotFoundException is thrown if it is impossible to create the file—for example,
because the file name is already used for a directory (folder) name.
A FileNotFoundException is a kind of IOException , so a catch block for an
IOException would also work and would look more sensible. However, it is best to
catch the most specific exception that you can, since that can give more information.
As illustrated in Display 10.1, the method println of the class PrintWriter
works the same for writing to a text file as the method System.out.println works
for writing to the screen. The class PrintWriter also has the method print and
printf , which behaves just like System.out.print and System.out.printf except
that the output goes to a text file. Display 10.2 describes some of the methods in the
class PrintWriter .
Display 10.2 Some Methods of the Class PrintWriter (part 1 of 2)
PrintWriter and FileOutputStream are in the package.
public PrintWriter(OutputStream streamObject)
This is the only constructor you are likely to need. There is no constructor that accepts a file name as
an argument. If you want to create a stream using a file name, you use
new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( File_Name ))
When the constructor is used in this way, a blank file is created. If there already was a file named
File_Name , then the old contents of the file are lost. If you want instead to append new text to
the end of the old file contents, use
new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream( File_Name, true ))
(For an explanation of the argument true , read the subsection “Appending to a Text File.“)
When used in either of these ways, the FileOutputStream constructor, and so the PrintWriter
constructor invocation, can throw a FileNotFoundException , which is a kind of IOException .
If you want to create a stream using an object of the class File , you can use a File object in place
of the File_Name . (The File class will be covered in Section 10.3. We discuss it here so that you will
have a more complete reference in this display, but you can ignore the reference to the class File
until after you've read that section.)
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