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Self-Test Exercises (continued)
System.out.println("try block entered:");
number = 42;
if (number > 0)
throw new MyException("Hi Mom!");
System.out.println("Leaving try block.");
catch (MyException exceptionObject)
System.out.println("End of example.");
The class MyException is on the CD that comes with this text.
15. Suppose that in Self-Test Exercise 14 the catch block were changed to the follow-
ing. (The type MyException is replaced with Exception .) How would this affect the
extra code
on CD
catch (Exception exceptionObject)
16. Suppose that in Self-Test Exercise 14 the line
number = 42;
were changed to
number = 58;
How would this affect the output?
17. Although an exception class normally carries only a string message, you can define
exception classes to carry a message of any type. For example, objects of the following
type can also carry a double “message” (as well as a string message):
public class DoubleException extends Exception
private double doubleMessage;
public DoubleException()
super ("DoubleException thrown!");
public DoubleException(String message)
super (message);
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