Java Reference
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Self-Test Exercises
1. What output is produced by the following code?
int waitTime = 46;
System.out.println("Try block entered.");
if (waitTime > 30)
throw new Exception("Over 30.");
else if (waitTime < 30)
throw new Exception("Under 30.");
System.out.println("No exception.");
System.out.println("Leaving try block.");
catch (Exception thrownObject)
System.out.println("After catch block");
2. Suppose that in exercise 1, the line
int waitTime = 46;
is changed to
int waitTime = 12;
How would this affect the output?
3. In the code given in exercise 1, what are the throw statements?
4. What happens when a throw statement is executed? This is a general question. Tell
what happens in general, not simply what happens in the code in exercise 1 or some
other sample code.
5. In the code given in exercise 1, what is the try block?
6. In the code given in exercise 1, what is the catch block?
7. In the code given in exercise 1, what is the catch block parameter?
8. Is the following legal?
Exception exceptionObject =
new Exception("Oops!");
9. Is the following legal?
Exception exceptionObject =
new Exception("Oops!");
throw exceptionObject;
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