Java Reference
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public void setTitle(String theTitle)
title = theTitle;
public String getName()
return (title + super .getName());
7. It would be legal to add crazyMethod to the class Employee . It would not be legal
to add crazyMethod to the class HourlyEmployee because, although the class
HourlyEmployee has an instance variable name , name is private in the base class
Employee and so cannot be accessed by name in HourlyEmployee .
8. Yes, it would be legal as long as name is marked public in the base class Employee .
9. Yes, it would be legal as long as name is marked protected in the base class
Employee .
10. Package access is more restricted. Anything allowed by package access is also
allowed by protected access, but protected access allows even more.
11. Yes, it is legitimate.
12. Yes, it is legitimate.
13. No, it is not legitimate. The compiler will give an error message saying
doStuff() is protected in B .
14. public String toString()
return ( super .toString()
+ "\n$" + salary + " per year");
15. public boolean equals(HourlyEmployee other)
return ( super .equals(other)
&& wageRate == other.wageRate
&& hours == other.hours);
We will give an even better definition of equals for the class HourlyEmployee
later in this chapter.
It is not legal. You cannot use super in this way. super.toString() as used here
refers to toString() in the class Employee and can only be used in definitions of
classes derived from Employee . Moreover, you cannot have a calling object, such
as joe , before super , so this is even illegal if you add extends Employee to the
first line of the class definition.
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