Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Greek-language keyboard and monitor to do this). The disadvantage of the Uni-
code character set is that it sometimes requires more computer memory to store
each character than it would if Java used only the ASCII character set.
Self-Test Exercises
24. What is the output produced by the following?
String verbPhrase = "is money";
System.out.println("Time" + verbPhrase);
25. What is the output produced by the following?
String test = "abcdefg";
26. What is the output produced by the following?
String test = "abcdefg";
27. What is the output produced by the following?
28. What is the output produced by the following?
29. What is the output produced by the following?
String test = "Hello Tony";
test = test.toUpperCase();
30. What is the output of the following two lines of Java code?
System.out.println("2 + 2 = " + (2 + 2));
System.out.println("2 + 2 = " + 2 + 2);
31. Suppose sam is an object of a class named Person and suppose increaseAge is a
method for the class Person that takes one argument that is an integer. How do
you write an invocation of the method increaseAge using sam as the calling
object and using the argument 10 ? The method increaseAge will change the data
in sam so that it simulates sam aging by 10 years.
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