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Display 7.8 Use of the EnhancedStringTokenizer Class (part 2 of 2)
Sample Dialogue
Enter a sentence:
I love you, madly.
Your sentence with extra blanks deleted:
I love you, madly.
Sentence with each word on a separate line:
Encapsulation and Inheritance
Ignorance is bliss.
This section is a continuation of Section 7.1 and uses the same example classes we
used in Section 7.1. In this section, we consider how the information-hiding facilities
of Java, primarily the private modifier, interact with inheritance.
PITFALL: Use of Private Instance Variables from the Base Class
An object of the class HourlyEmployee (Display 7.3) inherits, among other things, an
instance variable called name from the class Employee (Display 7.2). For example, the fol-
lowing would set the value of the instance variable name of the HourlyEmployee object
joe to "Josephine" :
But you must be a bit careful about how you manipulate inherited instance variables
such as name . The instance variable name of the class HourlyEmployee was inherited from
the class Employee , but the instance variable name is a private instance variable in the def-
inition of the class Employee . That means that name can only be accessed by name within
the definition of a method in the class Employee . An instance variable (or method) that is
private in a base class is not accessible by name in the definition of a method in any other
class, not even in a method definition of a derived class.
For example, notice the following method definition taken from the definition of the
class HourlyEmployee in Display 7.3:
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