Java Reference
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EXAMPLE: (continued)
All the raw data is in the array grade , but two other arrays hold computed data. The
array studentAverage is used to record the average quiz score for each of the students.
For example, the program sets studentAverage[0] equal to the average of the quiz
scores received by student 1 , studentAverage[1] equal to the average of the quiz
scores received by student 2 , and so forth. The array quizAverage is used to record the
average score for each quiz. For example, the program sets quizAverage[0] equal to
the average of all the student scores for quiz 1 , quizAverage[1] records the average
score for quiz 2 , and so forth. Display 6.19 illustrates the relationship between the
arrays grade , studentAverage , and quizAverage . In that display, we have shown some
sample data for the array grade . The data in grade , in turn, determines the values that
are stored in studentAverage and in quizAverage . Display 6.19 also shows these com-
puted values for studentAverage and quizAverage . The two arrays studentAverage
and quizAverage are created and filled by the constructor that creates the GradeBook
object. (The constructors do this by calling private helping methods.)
The no-argument constructor for the class GradeBook obtains the data for the array
instance variable grade via a dialog with the user. Although this is not my favorite way
to define a no-argument constructor, some programmers like it and you should see an
example of it. Another alternative would be to have a no-argument constructor that
essentially does nothing and then have an input method that sets all the instance vari-
ables, including creating the array objects.
A very simple demonstration program along with the dialog it produces is given in
Display 6.20.
Display 6.18 A Grade Book Class (part 1 of 4)
import java.util.Scanner;
2 public class GradeBook
private int numberOfStudents; // Same as studentAverage.length.
private int numberOfQuizzes; // Same as quizAverage.length.
private int [][] grade; //numberOfStudents rows and numberOfQuizzes columns.
private double [] studentAverage;
private double [] quizAverage;
public GradeBook( int [][] a)
if (a.length == 0 || a[0].length == 0)
System.out.println("Empty grade records. Aborting.");
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