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Self-Test Exercises (continued)
14. Rewrite the class GolfScores from Display 6.4 using the method
differenceArray from Exercise 13.
15. Rewrite the class GolfScores from Display 6.4 making the array of scores a
static variable. Also, make the int variable numberUsed a static variable. Start
with Display 6.4, not with the answer to Exercise 14. Hint: All, or at least most,
methods will have no parameters.
EXAMPLE: A Class for Partially Filled Arrays
If you are going to use some array in a disciplined way, such as using the array as a par-
tially filled array, then it is often best to create a class that has the array as an instance vari-
able and to have the constructors and methods of the class provide the needed operations
as methods. For example, in Display 6.5 we have written a class for a partially filled array
of doubles. In Display 6.6 we have rewritten the program in Display 6.4 using this class.
In Display 6.6 we have written the code to be exactly analogous to that of Display
6.4 so that you could see how one program mirrors the other. However, this resulted
in occasionally recomputing a value several times. For example, the method
computeAverage contains the following expression three times:
Since the PartiallyFilledArray a is not changed in this method, these each return
the same value. Some programmers advocate computing this value only once and sav-
ing the value in a variable. These programmers would use something like the following
for the definition of computeAverage rather than what we used in Display 6.6. The
variable numberOfElementsIna is used to save a value so it need not be recomputed.
public static double computeAverage(PartiallyFilledArray a)
double total = 0;
double numberOfElementsIna = a.getNumberOfElements();
for ( int index = 0; index < numberOfElementsIna; index++)
total = total + a.getElement(index);
if (numberOfElementsIna > 0)
return (total/numberOfElementsIna);
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