Java Reference
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Arguments for the Method main
The heading for the main method of a program looks as if it has a parameter for an
array of base type of String :
public static void main(String[] args)
The identifier args is in fact a parameter of type String[] . Since args is a parameter,
it could be replaced by any other non-keyword identifier. The identifier args is tradi-
tional, but it is perfectly legal to use some other identifier.
We have never given main an array argument, or any other kind of argument,
when we ran any of our programs. So, what did Java use as an argument to plug in for
args ? If no argument is given when you run your program, then a default empty
array of strings is automatically provided as a default argument to main when you run
your program.
It is possible to run a Java program in a way that provides an argument to plug in
for this array of String parameters. You do not provide it as an array. You provide any
number of string arguments when you run the program, and those string arguments
will automatically be made elements of the array argument that is plugged in for args
(or whatever name you use for the parameter to main ). This is normally done by run-
ning the program from the command line of the operating system, like so:
java YourProgram Do Be Do
This will set args[0] to "Do" , args[1] to "Be" , args[2] to "Do" , and args.length
to 3 . These three indexed variables can be used in the method main , as in the following
sample program:
public class YourProgram
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(args[1] + " " + args[0]
+ " " + args[1]);
If the above program is run from the command line as follows,
java YourProgram Do Be Do
the output produced by the program will be
Be Do Be
Be sure to note that the argument to main is an array of strings. If you want num-
bers, you must convert the string representations of the numbers to values of a number
type or types.
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