Java Reference
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type double . Name the instance variables real and imaginary . (The instance
variable for the number that is multiplied by i is the one called imaginary .) Call
the class Complex . Include a constructor with two parameters of type double that
can be used to set the instance variables of an object to any values. Also include a
constructor that has only a single parameter of type double ; call this parameter
realPart and define the constructor so that the object will be initialized to
realPart + 0* i . Also include a no-argument constructor that initializes an
object to 0 (that is, to 0 + 0* i ). Define accessor and mutator methods as well
as the methods equals and toString . Define static methods for addition,
subtraction, and multiplication of objects of your class Complex . These methods
should be static and should each have two parameters of type Complex and return
a value of type Complex . For example, Complex.add(c1, c2) will return the
result of adding the two complex numbers (two objects of the class Complex ) c1
and c2 . Also write a test program to test your class.
Hints: To add or subtract two complex numbers, you add or subtract the two
instance variables of type double . The product of two complex numbers is given
by the following formula:
(a + b*i)*(c + d*i) = (a*c - b*d) + (a*d + b*c)*i
Part Two: Add a second version of the methods for addition, subtraction, and
multiplication. These methods should have the same names as the static version
but should use a calling object and a single argument. For example, this version
of the add method (for addition) has a calling object and one argument. So
c1.add(c2) returns the result of adding the complex numbers c1 and c2 . Note
that your class should have all these methods; for example, there should be two
methods named add .
Alternate Part Two (If you want to do both Part Two and Alternate Part Two,
they must be two classes. You cannot include the methods from both Part Two
and Alternate Part Two in a single class. Do you know why?): Add a second
version of the methods for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. These
methods should have the same names as the static version but should use a
calling object and a single argument. The methods will be void methods. The
result is given as the changed value of the calling object. For example, this version
of the add method (for addition) has a calling object and one argument.
changes the values of the instance variables of c1 so they represent the result of
adding c2 to the original version of c1 . Note that your class should have all these
methods; for example, there should be two methods named add .
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