Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If you are using a Windows machine, you can set the CLASSPATH variable by set-
ting or creating an environment variable named CLASSPATH using the Control Panel.
In this topic, we are assuming that class path directories are separated by a semi-
colon. That is common, but some operating systems use some other separator, such as
a colon. Check your documentation if a semicolon does not work as a separator.
Package Names and the CLASSPATH Variable
A package name must be a path name for the directory that contains the classes in the
package, but the package name uses dots in place of \ or / (whichever your operating sys-
tem uses). When naming the package, you use a relative path name that starts from any
directory listed in the value of the CLASSPATH (environment) variable.
PITFALL: Subdirectories Are Not Automatically Imported
Suppose you have two packages, utilities.numericstuff and utilities.
numericstuff.statistical . In this case, you know that utilities.numericstuff.
statistical is in a subdirectory (subfolder) of the directory (folder) containing
utilities.numericstuff . This leads some programmers to assume that the follow-
ing import statement imports both packages:
import utilities.numericstuff.*;
This is not true. When you import an entire package, you do not import subdirec-
tory packages.
To import all classes in both of these packages, you need
import utilities.numericstuff.*;
import utilities.numericstuff.statistical.*;
The Default Package
All the classes in your current directory (that do not belong to some other package)
belong to an unnamed package called the default package . As long as the current
directory is on your CLASSPATH, all the classes in the default package are automati-
cally available to your code. This is why we have always assumed that all the classes we
defined are in the same directory. That way, we need not clutter our discussion with
concern about import statements.
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