Java Reference
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Display 5.9 String Processing with a Method from the Class Character (part 2 of 2)
Sample Dialogue
Enter a one line sentence:
is you is OR is you ain't my BABY?
The revised sentence is:
Is you is or is you ain't my baby?
Self-Test Exercises
20. What is the output produced by the following code?
Character characterObject1 = new Character('a');
Character characterObject2 = new Character('A');
if (characterObject1.equals(characterObject2))
System.out.println("Objects are equal.");
System.out.println("Objects are Not equal.");
21. Suppose result is a variable of type double that has a value. Write a Java expres-
sion that returns a string that is the normal way of writing the value in result .
22. Suppose stringForm is a variable of type String that names a String that is the
normal way of writing some double , such as "41.99" . Write a Java expression
that returns the double value named by stringForm .
23. How would you do Exercise 22 if the string might contain leading and/or trail-
ing blanks, such as " 41.99 " ?
24. Write Java code to output the largest and smallest values of type long allowed in Java.
25. How do you create an object of the class Character that corresponds to the letter
'Z' ?
26. Does the class Character have a no-argument constructor?
References and Class Parameters
Do not mistake the pointing finger for the moon.
Zen Saying
Variables of a class type and variables of a primitive type behave quite differently in
Java. Variables of a primitive type name their values in a straightforward way. For
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