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Display 5.8 Some Methods in the Class Character (part 2 of 2)
public static boolean isUpperCase( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is an uppercase letter; otherwise returns false .
Character.isUpperCase('A') returns true . Character.isUpperCase('a') and
Character.isUpperCase('%') both return false .
public static boolean isLowerCase( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a lowercase letter; otherwise returns false .
Character.isLowerCase('a') returns true . Character.isLowerCase('A') and
Character.isLowerCase('%') both return false .
public static boolean isWhitespace( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a whitespace character; otherwise returns false . Whitespace char-
acters are those that print as white space, such as the space character (blank character), the tab char-
acter ( '\t' ), and the line break character ( '\n' ).
Character.isWhitespace(' ') returns true . Character.isWhitespace('A') returns false .
public static boolean isLetter( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a letter; otherwise returns false .
Character.isLetter('A') returns true . Character.isLetter('%') and Character.
isLetter ('5') both return false .
public static boolean isDigit( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a digit; otherwise returns false .
Character.isDigit('5') returns true . Character.isDigit('A') and Character.
is Digit('%') both return false .
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a letter or a digit; otherwise returns false .
Character.isLetterOrDigit('A') and Character.isLetterOrDigit('5') both return true .
Character.isLetterOrDigit('&') returns false .
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