Java Reference
In-Depth Information
TIP: (continued)
A no-argument constructor is also known as a default constructor . However, the term
default constructor is misleading since, as we have explained, a no-argument constructor
is not always provided by default. There is now a movement to replace the term default
constructor with the term no-argument constructor, but you will frequently encounter
the term default constructor.
No-Argument Constructor
A constructor with no parameters is called a no-argument constructor . If your class defini-
tion contains absolutely no constructor definitions, then Java automatically creates a no-
argument constructor. If your class definition contains one or more constructor definitions,
then Java does not automatically generate any constructor; in this case, what you define is
what you get. Most of the classes you define should include a definition of a no-argument
EXAMPLE: The Final Date Class
The final version of our class for a date is given in Display 4.13. We will be using this class Date
again in Chapter 5.
Self-Test Exercises
24. If a class is named CoolClass , what names are allowed as names for constructors
in the class CoolClass ?
25. Suppose you have defined a class like the following for use in a program:
public class YourClass
private int information;
private char moreInformation;
public YourClass( int newInfo, char moreNewInfo)
< Details not shown. >
public YourClass()
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