Java Reference
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Display 4.13 A Class with Constructors (part 5 of 5)
157 else
158 System.out.println("Illegal date. Reenter input.");
159 }
160 }
161 private boolean dateOK( int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)
162 {
163 return ( (monthInt >= 1) && (monthInt <= 12) &&
164 (dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
165 (yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );
166 }
167 private boolean dateOK(String monthString, int dayInt, int yearInt)
168 {
169 return ( monthOK(monthString) &&
170 (dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
171 (yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );
172 }
173 private boolean monthOK(String month)
174 {
175 return (month.equals("January") || month.equals("February") ||
176 month.equals("March") || month.equals("April") ||
177 month.equals("May") || month.equals("June") ||
178 month.equals("July") || month.equals("August") ||
179 month.equals("September") || month.equals("October") ||
180 month.equals("November") || month.equals("December") );
181 }
182 private String monthString( int monthNumber)
183 {
184 switch (monthNumber)
185 {
186 case 1:
187 return "January";
. . .
<The omitted cases are obvious, but if need be, you can see all the cases in Display 4.9.>
. . .
188 default :
189 System.out.println("Fatal Error");
190 System.exit(0);
191 return "Error"; //to keep the compiler happy
192 }
193 }
194 }
The private methods need not be
last, but that's as good a place
as any.
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