Java Reference
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PITFALL: (continued)
In some cases of overloading, a single method invocation can be resolved in two differ-
ent ways, depending on how overloading and type conversion interact. Such ambigu-
ous method invocations are not allowed in Java and will produce an error message. For
example, you can overload a method named doSomething by giving two definitions
that have the following two method headings in a SampleClass :
public class SampleClass
public void doSomething( double n1, int n2)
public void doSomething( int n1, double n2)
Such overloading is legal, but there is a problem. Suppose aSampleObject is an object
of type SampleClass . An invocation such as the following will produce an error mes-
sage, because Java cannot decide which overloaded definition of doSomething to use:
aSampleObject.doSomething(5, 10);
Java cannot decide whether it should convert the int value 5 to a double value and
use the first definition of doSomething , or convert the int value 10 to a double value
and use the second definition. In this situation, the Java compiler issues an error mes-
sage indicating that the method invocation is ambiguous.
The following two method invocations are allowed:
aSampleObject.doSomething(5.0, 10);
aSampleObject.doSomething(5, 10.0);
However, such situations, while legal, are confusing and should be avoided.
Display 4.12 Using an Overloaded Method Name (part 1 of 2)
1 public class OverloadingDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
DateSixthTry date1 = new DateSixthTry(),
date2 = new DateSixthTry(),
date3 = new DateSixthTry();
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