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TIP: (continued)
Similar remarks apply to the method precedes in the same class. In one
place in the definition of precedes , we used otherDate.getMonth() rather than
otherDate.month only because we wanted the month as an integer instead of a string.
We did, in fact, use otherDate.month elsewhere in the definition of precedes .
TIP: Mutator Methods Can Return a Boolean Value
In the definition of the class DateFifthTry (Display 4.9), the mutator methods
tested to see if the new values for instance variables were sensible values. If they were
not sensible values, the mutator method ended the program and issued an error mes-
sage. An alternative approach is to have the mutator do the test, but to never have it
end the program. Instead, it returns a boolean value. It makes the changes to the
instance variables and returns true if the changes are sensible. If the attempted
changes are not sensible, the mutator method returns false . That way a programmer
can program in an alterative action to be taken if the attempted changes to instance
variables do not make sense.
For example, an alternative definition of the method setMonth of the class
DateFifthTry (Display 4.9) is the following:
public boolean setMonth( int monthNumber)
if ((monthNumber <= 0) || (monthNumber > 12))
return false ;
month = monthString(monthNumber);
return true ;
A sample use of this boolean valued version of setMonth could be the following:
DateFifthTry date = new DateFifthTry();
System.out.println("Enter month as a number:");
int number = keyboard.nextInt();
while (!date.setMonth(number))
System.out.println("Not a legal month number. Try again.");
System.out.println("Enter month as a number:");
number = keyboard.nextInt();
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