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Self-Test Exercises
5. Write a method called fractionDone that could be added to the class DateThirdTry
in Display 4.4. The method fractionDone has a parameter targetDay of type int
(for a day of the month) and returns a value of type double . The value returned is
the value of the day instance variable divided by the int parameter targetDay . (So
it returns the fraction of the time passed so far this month where the goal is reaching
the targetDay .) Do floating-point division, not integer division. To get floating-
point division, copy the value of the day instance variable into a local variable of
type double and use this local variable in place of the day instance variable in the
division. (You may assume the parameter targetDay is a valid day of the month
that is greater than the value of the day instance variable.)
6. Write a method called advanceYear that could be added to the class
DateThirdTry in Display 4.4. The method advanceYear has one parameter of
type int . The method advanceYear increases the value of the year instance vari-
able by the amount of this one parameter.
7. Suppose we redefine the method setDate in Display 4.4 to the following:
public void setDate( int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
month = monthString(newMonth);
day = newDay;
year = newYear;
System.out.println("Date changed to "
+ newMonth + " " + newDay + ", " + newYear);
Indicate all instances of newMonth that have their value changed to 6 in the
following invocation (also from Display 4.4):
date.setDate(6, 17, year);
8. Is the following a legal method definition that could be added to the class
DateThirdTry in Display 4.4?
public void multiWriteOutput( int count)
while (count > 0)
−− ;
9. Consider the definition of the method monthString in Display 4.4. Why are there
no break statements in the switch statement?
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