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Display 3.7
Demonstration of while Loops and do-while Loops (part 2 of 2)
Sample Dialogue
First while loop:
Second while loop:
First do-while loop:
Second do-while loop:
A while loop can iterate its
body zero times.
A do-while loop always iterates
its body at least one time.
loop is executed first and the Boolean expression is checked after the loop body is exe-
cuted. Thus, the do-while statement always executes the loop body at least once. After
this start-up, the while loop and the do-while loop behave the same. After each itera-
tion of the loop body, the Boolean expression is again checked, and if it is true, the loop
is iterated again. If it has changed from true to false , then the loop statement ends.
The first thing that happens when a while loop is executed is that the controlling
Boolean expression is evaluated. If the Boolean expression evaluates to false at that
point, the body of the loop is never executed. It might seem pointless to execute the
body of a loop zero times, but that is sometimes the desired action. For example, a
while loop is often used to sum a list of numbers, but the list could be empty. To be
more specific, a checkbook-balancing program might use a while loop to sum the val-
ues of all the checks you have written in a month, but you might take a month's vaca-
tion and write no checks at all. In that case, there are zero numbers to sum, so the loop
is iterated zero times.
the body
zero times
Algorithms and Pseudocode
Dealing with the syntax rules of a programming language is not the hard part of solving
a problem with a computer program. The hard part is coming up with the underlying
method of solution. This method of solution is called an algorithm. An algorithm is a
set of precise instructions that leads to a solution. Some approximately equivalent words
to algorithm are recipe , method , directions , procedure , and routine .
An algorithm is normally written in a mixture of a programming language, in our
case Java, and English (or other human language). This mixture of programming lan-
guage and human language is known as pseudocode . Using pseudocode frees you
from worrying about fine details of Java syntax so that you can concentrate on the
method of solution. Underlying the program in Display 3.8 is an algorithm that can
be expressed as the following pseudocode:
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