Java Reference
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PITFALL: Using = in Place of ==
Because the equal sign, = , is used for assignment in Java, something else is needed to
indicate equality. In Java, equality is indicated with two equal signs with no space
between them, as in
if (yourScore == myScore)
System.out.println("A tie.");
Fortunately, if you do use = in place of == , Java will probably give you a compiler
error message. (The only case that does not give an error message is when the expres-
sion in parentheses happens to form a correct assignment to a boolean variable.)
Display 3.3 Java Comparison Operators
Equal to
x + 7 == 2*y
answer == 'y'
Not equal to
score != 0
answer != 'y'
Greater than
time > limit
Greater than or equal to
age >= 21
Less than
pressure < max
Less than or equal to
time <= limit
The Methods equals and equalsIgnoreCase
When testing strings for equality, do not use == . Instead, use either equals or
equalsIgnoreCase .
String .equals( Other_String )
String .equalsIgnoreCase( Other_String )
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