Java Reference
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The Thread Class
A thread is an object of the class Thread . The normal way to program a thread is to define a
class that is a derived class of the class Thread . An object of this derived class will be a
thread that follows the programming given in the definition of the derived (thread) class's
method named run .
Any thread class inherits the method start from the class Thread . An invocation of start
by an object of a thread class will start the thread and invoke the method run for that thread.
See Display 19.2 for an example.
The Runnable Interface
There are times when you would rather not make a thread class a derived class of the
class Thread . The alternative to making your class a derived class of the class Thread is
to have your class instead implement the Runnable interface. The Runnable interface
has only one method heading:
public void run()
A class that implements the Runnable interface must still be run from an instance of
the class Thread . This is usually done by passing the Runnable object as an argument
to the thread constructor. The following is an outline of one way to do this:
public class ClassToRun extends SomeClass implements Runnable
public void run()
//Fill this just as you would if ClassToRun
//were derived from Thread.
public void startThread()
Thread theThread = new Thread( this );;
The above method startThread is not compulsory, but it is one way to produce a
thread that will in turn run the run method of an object of the class ClassToRun . In
Display 19.3 we have rewritten the program in Display 19.2 using the Runnable inter-
face. The program behaves exactly the same as the one in Display 19.2.
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