Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Multi-Layer Graded Bandgap Solar Cells
7.1 Introduction
In order to effectively harvest photons from all spectral regions
(ultraviolet [UV], visible, and infrared [IR]) and combine the impact
ionisation and impurity photovoltaic (PV) effects, a multi-layer
graded bandgap solar cell structure was introduced in chapter
6. This structure is based on an n-type window material layer.
However, improved results can be obtained from device structures
starting with p-type window materials. As indicated in section 1.6
of chapter 1, these two structures are shown in Fig. 1.16. The
structure with p-type window material has additional advantages
over that with n-type window material. The potential barrier height
( φ b ) for electron flow through the device structure is determined
by the large bandgap of the window material. This is, therefore,
capable of producing high potential barriers and, hence, large V oc
values. In addition, the electrons produced by high-energy photons
can accelerate and create more charge carriers due to impact
solar cell. Because of these additional advantages, the experimental
testing was carried out only on this device structure with p-
type window material. This chapter presents the experimental
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