Agriculture Reference
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landscape fabric (geotextiles, weed barriers). Cloth made of meshed or tightly woven
polypropylene and used to admit water yet keep soil or vegetation from passing
larvae. Insects in a very early stage of development. Fly larvae are called maggots.
leaching. Washing away, as to wash valuable minerals and other nutrients from the
soil by means of rain and snow.
legume. Any of a group of plants of the pea family that store nitrogen in the soil; al-
falfa and clover are examples of legume hays.
lime. Calcium hydroxide or slaked lime.
lintel. A beam over an opening.
load bearing. A wall or other similar structural component that supports more than its
own weight; cannot be removed without providing an alternate means of support.
loafing shed. See run-in shed.
loose stocks. A chutelike enclosure that limits a horse's movement for grooming,
veterinary care, or farrier care. Less confining than regular stocks.
manure. Animal dung.
mare motel. An open shelter used for protection from the sun and usually consisting
of steel-pipe panels and a roof.
masonry. A wall or other structure made of individual concrete, clay, or stone units
that are usually bonded together with mortar.
member. An individual component of a structure.
modular barn. A barn that is constructed from modules that are transported to the
building site and assembled on a prepared foundation.
module. A complete factory-built unit of a building.
monitor roof (raised center aisle or RCA). A roof with a raised portion to admit light
and/or ventilation.
muck. Manure and/or dirty bedding.
muzzle. The nose and lips of a horse; a device placed over a horse's mouth to prevent
him from biting or eating.
neutral. The circuit wire that return the electricity to the source.
OC. On center; studs, joists, and other components are placed so many inches apart
center to center.
OD. Outside diameter.
OEM. Original equipment manufacturer.
offset gable roof. Gable roof with the ridge off center of the building, so that one side
is shorter than the other and often has a different slope.
ordinance. A local law enacted by a municipality such as a city or township.
OSB. Oriented strand board.
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