Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
ough weekly check that includes removing the sheets, grooming the horse, and brushing or
washing the sheet.
Underweight horses can remain on pasture for the health benefits but be fed a grain and/
or hay ration to supplement the pasture. Overweight horses can wear a grazing muzzle part
time or full time to minimize the amount of feed ingested while still allowing the horse to
have the exercise benefits of turnout.
Most regions have a few ideal pasture months: when the grass is growing, the temper-
atures are not extreme, and the insects are moderate. But sometimes being on pasture is
unpleasant for horses. When precipitation is excessive, insects are relentless even with all
control methods in place, the heat and sun are debilitating, or wind and cold temperatures
make it too brutal for horses to be comfortable, the horses should be brought in from the
Sherlock is well trained and comes when called for his daily pasture check.
Pasture kit
Compact halter and lead rope
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