Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Sassy's intake is greatly slowed down with a grazing muzzle (by Best Friend).
During cold-weather turnout, many horses do well without a blanket as long as they have
shelter. A horse's long winter coat provides insulation, and sebaceous secretions from the
skin provide protection from moisture. Waterproof and breathable winter turnout blankets
are ideal for old or thin horses and for horses in work that you want to keep clean. Long
sides, neck extensions, and tail flaps provide added protection.
Many horses gain too much weight when put on pasture, as they pack away 6 pounds of
grass per hour, 16 hours a day. Overweight horses are more prone to developing health
problems such as colic, laminitis, and various lamenesses. Some horses (especially seni-
ors) lose weight on pasture because they have dental problems or lack the initiative to eat
enough to keep their weight. Weight can be monitored by a visual exam, a weight tape,
or palpation of the ribs and tail head. Pasture horses that wear sheets should have a thor-
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