Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Veterinary examination
The veterinary exam for insurance will vary depending on whether the policy will
contain riders for surgical or major medical. Some of the things the veterinarian will
check include the following:
• Temperature, pulse, and respiration
• Condition of eyes
• History of colic
• Evidence of nerving, blistering, firing
• Evidence of laminitis
• Past lameness
• Past surgeries
• Fecal exam results
• Scars
• Male: castrated or both testicles evident
• Female: Mare in foal; past breeding or foaling problems; reproductive exam
• Any vices or bad habits
• Deworming program, parasite problems, colic problems
• Any congenital abnormality or deformity
• Results of Coggins test
• Current medication
• Any other medical facts that should be brought to the attention of the company
Commercial liability . Professionals, those who receive money for an equine activity, are
not covered by a personal liability policy. Some states have adopted laws that release pro-
fessionals from liability for equine-related accidents. Before deciding whether you need
additional liability insurance, be sure to thoroughly understand the verbiage of your state's
laws and find out if the law related to equine professionals has been tested in court. Wheth-
er you give lessons at your home or run a full-service training facility, in order to be fully
covered you'll probably need a commercial liability policy. Ask your agent whether the
name of the insured on your policy should be yours or that of your business.
Care, custody, and control. This type of insurance covers injury or death of an animal
that is in your care when the mishap takes place. For example, it should cover a claim that
your negligent feeding practices were responsible for a horse that died of colic. The limits
of coverage for this type of insurance can range from $5000 to $200,000 per animal.
Professional errors and omissions. With this type of policy, coverage is for liability
arising out of a negligent act, error, or omission in rendering or failure to render profession-
al services. If you do something wrong while you are working with or caring for a horse or
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