Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
If the manure is properly handled, about half of those excreted nutrients can be used by
pasture or crop plants in one growing season, with the balance being used in subsequent
years. Horse manure is considered valuable manure because it is “hot,” or capable of
breakdown by composting. A ton of fresh horse manure (without bedding) will supply
the equivalent of a 100-pound sack of fertilizer (approximately 14-4-14; exact nitrogen-
phosphorus-potash ratio will vary), as well as providing valuable organic matter and trace
Even if manure is not to be used as a fertilizer, it must be properly managed in order to
control odor, remove insect breeding areas, kill parasite eggs and larvae, and prevent nitro-
gen and phosphorus in the manure from contaminating water. Nitrates entering the ground-
water can affect streams and wells. Nitrates in drinking water above the EPA maximum
contaminant level can cause health problems, particularly in infants. Although horses tol-
erate elevated nitrate levels somewhat better than humans do, they are more susceptible to
nitrate poisoning than most other monogastric (single-stomach) animals.
more likely to compost properly.
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