Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
With the mowers set at 4″, I uniformly mow the pastures two or three times during
summer to prevent the undesirable plants from taking over or going to seed.
proach than getting out the tractor.
The principle behind harrowing a pasture after a grazing period is that it evens out rough
spots and distributes manure clumps. If you are in a dry, sunny climate, harrowing dries the
manure and might help to kill the parasite eggs. In humid climates, however, harrowing the
manure in pastures spreads the parasite eggs over a larger area while still allowing them to
be viable, and so in effect increases a horse's chances of reinfestation. In such a situation,
collecting manure and composting it is best. The other alternatives are to let manure accu-
mulate away from grazing areas and to harrow and leave the pasture vacant.
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