Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
A ½” steel cable runs along the top outside edge of my round pen to stabilize the
angled walls.
How many panels do you need to make a round pen?
You can also make a round pen out of panels (see chapter 11 , Fencing, for information
on panels).
1. First determine the diameter of the round pen you want. This will depend on wheth-
er you are going to use the round pen for initial groundwork (40-50 feet), extensive
longeing (65 feet), riding (65 feet or larger), or cutting/working cow horses (80-200
Ex.: 65-foot-diameter round pen for general use
2. Multiply the diameter by 3.14 to get the circumference in feet.
Ex.: 65 x 3.14 = 204.1-foot circumference
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