Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
10 Equipment
A lthough you will probably never eliminate the need for a wheelbarrow and a fork, the size
of your horse operation and its associated tasks may require some specialized machinery.
Such equipment usually falls into one of two categories: a truck with a trailer and a tractor
with its attachments.
Truck and Trailer
A truck and horse trailer is a must for an acreage horse owner. In case of fire or flood, you
may need to evacuate your horses. And you should have the means to transport a horse to
a veterinary clinic in the event of an emergency. Even for routine veterinary care, you can
often avoid paying a farm-call charge by taking your horse to the clinic. You will also need
a trailer if you plan to show your horse or haul him to trail-riding areas. (For a more detailed
discussion of trucks and trailers, see Hill, Trailering [Storey, 2000].)
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