Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Number of Acres
If you can afford it, buy more acres than you think you will need. First of all, buying a
5-acre parcel thinking that you'll have a 5-acre pasture is a mistake. The house and yard
and the barn and the barnyard easily take up an acre or two. Second, although you may start
out with one or two horses, you may soon find yourself expanding the herd. You may want
to raise a foal or buy extra horses so everyone in the family can ride together or so there is
an extra horse for visitors.
When planning your needs, read the town, city, county, or homeowners association code
dictating minimum parcel size and number of horses permitted per acre. Determine wheth-
er you need to obtain a permit to keep a horse and what the requirements are. Ask your
local Extension agent what the carrying capacity for pastureland is in the area. You may
plan for 2 acres per horse with improved, well-irrigated pasture but may need 20 acres or
more per horse of dry rangeland.
Acreage sizes
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
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