Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
government so you can defend challenges to your rights as a land- and horse
BOUNDARIES . Buildings and other facilities must be placed a certain distance
from property boundaries, street rights-of-way, and your home.
TRAFFIC . The coming and going of truck and trailer, manure removal services,
feed trucks, and the like may be a source of consternation for neighbors.
DUST . Some properties are subject to a permit and fees for dust raised (“fugitive
dust”). Any bare or disturbed surfaces, such as arenas, round pen, pens, runs,
and driveways, could qualify.
Zoning and Other Legalities
Various city, county, state, and federal regulations may affect what you can or cannot do on
your future property. Restrictions may include but are not limited to where you locate your
buildings and well, how many horses you are allowed to have, sanitation requirements, reg-
ulations related to clearing and excavating, use of water, management of natural waterways
and wetlands, endangered species protection, and even the management of stallions. In ad-
vance, research the zoning classification and regulations that affect the land you are consid-
ering. The classification determines the allowed uses of the land and whether you need to
obtain prior approval and a permit for your particular needs. Places to seek out information
are the local planning department and the health department.
There may be further restrictions on your use of the land if the tract is a part of a
homeowners association in which membership is mandatory.
While a homeowners association could be restrictive, if it is made up predominantly of
horse owners, it can offer benefits and protection for your horse interests as well. Some-
times a group of landowners may initially unite for something simple, such as the main-
tenance of roads that are not cared for with public funds. Some associations expand to ad-
opt covenants that specifically define building styles and land uses of the members. In any
event, it is a good idea to get a feel for your neighbors and the people who live in the area
you are considering.
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