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2. Click the plus button at the bottom and choose List Style from the pop-up
menu. Name it Figures, leave the Kind set to Numbered, and click Create.
3. In the sample text area on the right side of the window, select Level 1. Then,
in the Lists palette (if you don't see it, choose Window > Palettes > List), click
in the Before Text field and type Figure followed by a space. In the After Text
field, type a colon ( : ) followed by another space ( Figure 23 ).
Figure 23: Your list style definition should look something like
4. Choose View > Page View to return to editing your document.
5. Insert a graphic (or just type some text, pretending that it's a graphic) followed
by Return. Type a caption in the paragraph beneath that line, such as This is
the caption.
6. With your insertion point still in the caption paragraph, choose Format >
Lists > Figures to apply the Figures list style. In so doing, the caption will be
preceded by “Figure 1: ”.
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 a few times, so you that have three or four numbered
figures. (Note that if you press Return at the end of a list paragraph, Nisus
Writer Pro assumes you want that next paragraph to be in list style too. You
can override this by choosing Format > Lists > Use None, or by applying a
paragraph style, such as Normal.)
8. Somewhere else in your document, in an ordinary paragraph, type See and
a space. Choose Insert > Cross Reference. Make sure the Insert Reference To
pop-up menu says List Item, the Display Text pop-up menu says List Item
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