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If you want to view or edit a macro that's already in the Macro menu, the easiest way to do
so is to hold down the Command key while choosing the macro from the menu—instead of
name from the Macro menu in the normal way runs your updated version.
Tip: You can, of course, assign keyboard shortcuts to macros too. I cover that just
ahead, in Use Multi-Key Shortcuts in Nisus Writer Pro .
I gave you a one-line example macro, but what else can you put in a macro? I'm glad you
asked. Let me begin with the easiest approach to writing your own macros.
Simple Macros
First, the bad news: unlike Microsoft Office, Nisus Writer Pro has no recording capability—it
can't watch what you do and make a macro out of that for you. But now, the good news: it's
way easier to write macros for Nisus Writer Pro than for Word!
How easy? For the simplest things, like running menu commands, you just type a command
(as it appears on a menu) on a line by itself. If the command includes an ellipsis (…), you can
leave that off.
So, here's a macro that turns the selected text bold, makes it 18 points, and then copies it to
the clipboard:
And that's a complete macro, by the way—no brackets, declarations, funky names, or obscure
codes. Case doesn't matter. (Spelling does matter!) Great, right?
Tip: When trying the macros from this topic in Nisus Writer Pro, either retype them
or paste them by choosing Edit > Paste > Paste Text Only (Command-Shift-V). If you
paste styled text into a macro, you might encounter inscrutable error messages.
A macro can do lots of things that aren't merely menu commands, too. Want it to type the
text “Hello, world!”? Do it like this:
type text "Hello world!"
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