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Macro > Editing > Quote Selection: Select some text and run this macro
to put quotation marks around it.
Take Control authors and editors have lots of specialized macros that aid in our workflow,
such as:
• Converting documents that use our standard set of styles into Markdown
formatting, which we then use to create EPUB and Mobipocket editions of our
• Inserting or formatting tips and notes
• Turning selected text into a cross-reference to a bookmark elsewhere in the
• Checking for common errors, such as graphics with problematic names or extra
spaces between words
Ifyou'dliketofindmoremacrosyoucaninstallandrunyourself,visitNisusSoftware's Nisus
Writer Pro Macros forum. (That's also a good place to find tips on writing your own macros.)
Create Macros in Nisus Writer Pro
To make your own macro in Nisus Writer Pro, follow these steps:
1. Choose Macro > New Macro. A new window (which looks just like a regular
document window) opens.
2. Type or paste the text of your macro. For illustration purposes, try this:
prompt "Hello, world!"
3. Choose Macro > Save as Macro. Give your macro a name (such as Hello )
and choose a location. The ideal place to save it is ~/Library/Application
Support/Nisus Writer Pro/Macros , because that's the default location
for macros and any macros that you save there will automatically appear on
the Macro menu; if you save it anywhere else, you'll have to go through extra
steps (which I don't cover here). The macro appears on your Macro menu
Now, to run your macro, choose its name from the Macro menu: Macro > Hello (or whatever
you named it). You should see a little dialog with the text “Hello, world!” Click OK to dismiss
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