Hardware Reference
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If you already have credentials stored for the site and you want to store an additional
username/password combination, first delete the credentials Safari has autofilled. Then
enter the new credentials, log in, and click Save Password when prompted.
Generate a Random Password
When you're asked to register on a Web site and create a new password, iCloud Keychain
can generate one for you and store it all in one step. First, make sure the Password field is
completely empty. Then click or tap in it to display a random password ( Figure 26 ). Click or
tap the password to fill it in (if there's a Repeat Password field, Safari fills the password there
too). Safari also saves your credentials for the site without any additional steps.
Figure 26: Click or tap in a blank Password field to see a suggested
random password.
Store and Enter Credit Card Numbers
Credit cards work much like passwords—if you type or paste a credit card number into a
blank field (along with its expiration date) and submit the form, Safari prompts you to save
the credit card number in your iCloud Keychain. (Remember, it doesn't save or store the CVV
number from the back of your credit card.)
When it's time to fill in a stored credit card number, click or tap in the Credit Card Number
field and choose the desired credit card from the pop-up menu.
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