Image Processing Reference
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Mitra, P.P., Thomson, D.J., Ogawa, S., Hu, X., and Ugurbil, K. (1997). The nature
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Formisano, E., Esposito, F., Kriegeskorte, N., Tedeschi, G., Di Salle, F., and
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Goebel, R., Muckli, L., Zanella, F.E., Singer, W., and Stoerig, P. (2001). Sustained
extrastriate cortical activation without visual awareness revealed by fMRI studies
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Linden, D.E., Kallenbach, U., Heinecke, A., Singer, W., and Goebel, R. (1999).
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Formisano, E., Kim, D.-S., Di Salle, F., van de Moortele, P.-F., Ugurbil, K., and
Goebel, R. (2003). Mirror-symmetric tonotopic maps in human primary auditory
cortex. Neuron 40: 859-869.
Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., Tootell, R.B., and Dale, A.M. (1999). High-resolution
intersubject averaging and a coordinate system for the cortical surface. Hum. Brain
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Goebel, R. (2003). Cortex-Based Intersubject Realignment of fMRI Data. Abstract
at Human Brain Mapping Meeting.
Van Atteveldt, N., Formisano, E., Goebel, R., and Blomert, L. (in press). Integra-
tion of letters and speech sounds in the human brain. Neuron.
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