Chemistry Reference
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known that the redox reaction of ferrocene is
represented by Eq. 2.1 .
Because the Fc is the reduction state in this
redox reaction, the potential should be swept
firstly towards the positive direction (anodic
scan). In this case, the potential scan should
begin from the initial potential where no
current flows (rest potential). In addition, the
scan rate is generally set in the range between
50 and 200 mV s −1 . As mentioned in section
2.2, by changing the potential to an electrode
the energy of the Fermi-level is also altered
intentionally. When the potential is swept
towards the positive direction from the rest
potential (process a-b of Figure 2.4 ; the
Fermi-level moves to a lower energy), the rate
of electron transfer from the HOMO of
ferrocene to the Fermi-level of the electrode is
dramatically increased and the potential passes
through a mixed region in which the rates of
mass transport and electron transfer both limit
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