Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Mahito Atobe
One of the main aims of this topic is to
understand the mechanism of organic
electrochemical reactions in order to use them
most effectively or in new ways. Nowadays a
number of specific electrochemical
measurements are used to obtain mechanistic
information about organic electrochemical
reactions. Among these measurements,
voltammetry is one of the most frequently used
techniques since it provides enough evidence
concerning the mechanism of an electrode
process to allow us to use this process
intelligently in synthesis and to develop new
electrochemical reactions.
In this chapter we will introduce voltammetric
techniques to obtain mechanistic information
for organic electrochemical reactions. Because
the success or failure of voltammetric
measurements depends to a great degree on the
proper selection of experimental components
such as electrochemical cells, electrodes,
solvents and electrolytes, we will discuss some
concerns about experimental components for
voltammetry. In addition, this chapter will also
show how voltammetry can be used to obtain
information about the mechanism of a new
organic electrode reaction.
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