Chemistry Reference
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Although anodic oxidation of phenol derivatives
is very useful for obtaining alicyclic compounds
from aromatic compounds, its versatile reaction
paths make it difficult to produce the desired
product selectively. If reaction conditions are
optimized, anodic oxidation of phenols can be a
powerful tool for obtaining the desired
products, which are difficult to prepare by
conventional organic synthesis.
According to Eq. A.2 , cation A , which is
generated by anodic oxidation of phenol 1 ,
undergoes cycloaddition with isosafrole to give
a natural product, Aniba neolignan.
Phenol 1 (100 mg), isosafrole 2 (500 mg) and
LiClO 4 (200 mg) are dissolved in methanol/
acetic acid (2:1, 30 ml) and used as the
electrolytic solution. In a glassy carbon beaker
as anode, constant current electrolysis (10 mA,
current density 0.19 mA cm −2 ) is carried out for
130 min using a platinum wire cathode. The
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