Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Shinsuke Inagi and Toshio Fuchigami
The world is facing severe problems such as
environmental problems, exhaustion of
resources and energy-relevant problems.
Organic electrochemistry, including
electrosynthesis, has the potential to solve these
problems. This chapter describes the
contribution of organic electrochemistry to
organic electronics, the reuse of biomass,
C1-chemistry and environmental clean-up.
7.1 Application in Organic
Electronic Devices
Organic molecules and polymers with unique
electronic properties have many device
applications in luminescent materials,
conductive materials and energy storage. These
organic-based materials are superior to
inorganic materials in terms of lightness,
flexibility and cost. Furthermore, the millions of
molecular designs for organic materials make it
easy to tailor their optoelectronic properties.
The basic principles of organic electronics
devices are described below from the point of
view of organic electrochemistry.
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