Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 6.6 Electroreduction of
p -methylbenzaldehyde, dimethyl maleate and
benzoic acid
Starting compound Stirring
for [D1]
+ [M1],
[D2] +
[M2] or
[M3] +
[M2] or
p -methylbenzaldehyde a Still 35 0.0
p -methylbenzaldehyde a Mechanical b 74 1.0
p -methylbenzaldehyde a Ultrasonic c 89 24
Dimethyl maleate d Still 66 0.0
Dimethyl maleate d Mechanical b 93 0.3
Dimethyl maleate d Ultrasonic c 96 0.4
Benzoic acid e Still 1 0.0
Benzoic acid e Mechanical b 17 0.2
Benzoic acid e Ultrasonic c 54 1.5
a Electrolyzed by passing 0.5 F mol −1 at 20 mA cm −2 on a lead
cathode in a 0.25 M H 2 SO 4 /50% MeOH solution.
b Stirred by a rotating magnet bar.
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